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Hvorfor ZOLES® 3D print?

You should choose ZOLES® because our 3D printing process is faster, more sustainable, higher in quality, and offers better performance.

We use advanced technology for both foot analysis and insole production. Our approach is evidence-based, using biomechanics to analyze feet and design insoles. We also have a database of shoe lasts to ensure a perfect fit for your shoes.

Hvordan laver i sålerne?

With ZOLA, we scan your feet to obtain the measurements we need to model your insoles. Additionally, ZOLA asks a series of questions about any discomfort or pain, as well as the type of shoes the insoles will be used in, and all of this is included in the overall analysis of your feet.

Next, the insoles are 3D-printed using TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane), a durable and elastic material.

Finally, we smooth the insoles, apply glue, and add a cover. The insoles are then ready to be sent to the store, the customer’s address, a pick-up point, or for the customer to collect them directly from us.

Hvad hvis jeg ikke er tilfreds med det produkt jeg har fået?

If you are unsatisfied with our product, you can receive a refund for the price of the insoles if it’s within 30 days of receiving them. This applies whether you ordered your insoles through ZOLES or one of our retailers.

Hvordan får man pelotte (forfodsløft) på sine såler?

Your metatarsal pad is automatically designed into your insoles if you have a fallen forefoot. If you have a fallen forefoot, we can see it in the images and from the information you provide when telling us about your feet. If you have a fallen forefoot, a metatarsal pad will be inserted into your insoles, which gives your forefoot a lift and will alleviate your discomfort almost immediately.

Hvad hvis jeg har nedsunken forfod?

If you have a fallen forefoot, we can detect it through the images and the information you provide when describing your feet. If you have a fallen forefoot, a metatarsal pad will be inserted into your insoles, giving your forefoot a lift and relieving your discomfort almost immediately.

Skal jeg være barfodet når jeg bliver scannet?

The reason you need to be barefoot is that the scanner takes images around your foot and uses them to measure via a specific algorithm that creates a 3D model of your foot.

Kan man bruge sålerne i andre sko?

We always recommend that the insoles be used for their intended purpose, for example, running shoe insoles should be used in running shoes, and everyday insoles should be used in everyday shoes.

If you wish to use your current insoles in a new pair of shoes, it is possible. However, be mindful of the shoe’s design, as a narrower shoe with high or wide insoles could squeeze your feet and cause more harm than good. The same applies if the new shoe is larger than what you normally wear, as the insole may move too much inside the shoe, potentially causing blisters, which again does more harm than good.

Hvor lang tid holder sålerne?

Our general rule of thumb is that the lifespan of the insoles is the same as the shoes you put them in. The insoles don’t have a fixed lifespan, as it depends on need and use.

If the insoles are used for sports, they wear out faster, and we typically estimate they will last around 1 year. However, if they are used in everyday shoes, they can probably last around 3 years, since the demands on the insole are not as high.

As mentioned before, if the insoles wear out faster than expected, we would need to assess the circumstances for why they are wearing down sooner. If there is a defect in the insole, you are always welcome to talk to your retailer.

Er der rabatordning / klippekort?

ZOLES® does not offer discount schemes or loyalty cards; we leave it up to our retail partners to decide whether they want to provide this service.

Hvor lang tid går der, før at fødderne vænner sig til sålerne?

It can take up to 3 weeks for your body to adjust to the insoles. If you feel pain, you should contact your retailer, who can notify us so that we can make adjustments to the area where you feel discomfort and provide you with a new pair of insoles as soon as possible.

If you contact your retailer after our 30-day free return period has passed, an agreement must be made between you and the retailer, or you will need to pay for a new pair of insoles.”

Let me know if you need any further changes!

Scanner den også undersiden af foden?

The scanner takes images of the outer part of your foot. Based on these images, a representation of how the outside of your foot looks is created. Depending on how high your arch is, Zola creates an image of how the underside of your foot appears.

Må man smide sålerne ud, når de er opslidt?

We recommend that you go to the retailer and return the worn-out insoles so they can send them to us for testing potential recycling options.

If you do not wish to return your worn-out insoles to the retailer, you can dispose of them in plastic waste.

Hvorfor skal I vide, hvilken type sko, jeg ønsker at bruge dem i?

The reason we want to know which type of shoes you’d like is because we use different algorithms for different types of shoes.

For example, a football boot is not the same as a pair of loafers, and similarly, high heels are not the same as sneakers.

To ensure we meet your needs as accurately as possible, we need a reference point for the type of shoes the insoles will be designed for.

Hvorfor beder I om at få oplyst vægten?

The reason we want to know your weight is so we can calculate how dense the layers of the insole need to be in order to be as soft as possible, while also ensuring enough resistance to prevent the insole from wearing out faster than its normal lifespan.

Hvorfor har i brug for at kende fødselsårstal?

The reason we need your birth year is because we use it in the calculation of the insoles to determine how firm or soft the outer layer of your insole should be.

Må man klippe i sålerne?

We advise against cutting the insoles, as they are calculated based on your foot structure. Cutting them yourself could do more harm than good.

If you want to cut them because something feels wrong with the fit or comfort of the insole, you should go to your retailer, who can notify us or send the insoles back to us so we can make adjustments for a better fit.

Kan man få tilskud fra Sygeforsikring Danmark?

We are not part of Sygeforsikring Danmark. However, if you have a reimbursement document from your doctor, you can go to your municipality and apply for a health supplement, which covers the cost of our insoles.